The Nominations Committee of the Georgia Public Health Association is seeking interested candidates for the role of Vice-President of the Association for the term of May 2025 – May 2026. Our goal is to solicit nominations for elective office from the general membership in active status of GPHA. The Committee shall select from the nominations the slate of officers and secure their agreement to serve. The Committee shall present to the Secretary at least thirty days prior to the opening of the First General Session of the next annual meeting, a nominee for each office to be filled. Officers of the Association are required to hold membership in GPHA for a period of three years prior to their nomination for election.
We seek to prepare a slate of candidates that are representative of our membership and diverse in experience and background. The Vice President will have meetings ~ 7 times per year with in-person and virtual options. The Vice President is expected to participate in board meetings, attend the annual conference, and participate in other activities to help advance the association’s strategic priorities, as needed.
The roles and responsibilities of the position include:
- Must be a current active GPHA member, for a period of three years prior to election as Vice President
- Carry out roles and responsibilities as a member of the Executive Board the Executive Committee
- In absence, vacancy, or inability of the President-Elect, assume the responsibilities or office of the President-Elect.
- Serve as the Annual Meeting and Conference Planning Committee Chairperson
- Shall perform duties as may be delegated by the Executive Board or the President
- The term of office begins at the annual meeting for one (1) year or until a successor is elected. No elected officer may serve in the same elected capacity for more than three terms.
*Historically, the Vice President will serve a one-year term, then serve as President-elect, and then serve as President of the Association
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the Nominating Committee Chairperson, Beverley Townsend, MD, MBA, FAAFP, via email by February 28, 2025. The email address is Please be sure to include your contact information, i.e.- address, email, and phone number. Pease email the Nominations Committee Chair with any questions or have a request for more information.