Following a three-month suspension due to COVID-19 concerns, the Georgia General Assembly is set to reconvene Monday, June 15th. In this week’s legislative report, our liaison Scott Maxwell outlines some of the steps the assembly will take to reduce the risk of virus transmission while the legislators are in session.
APHA Extends Deadline for Affiliates to Submit Conference Abstracts
The Council on Affiliates (CoA) of the American Public Health Association has extended the Call for Abstracts for the poster and scientific sessions to June 26, 2020.
Legislative Update: Unemployment, School Year Planning, Budget
In the legislative update for the week ending on May 22nd, get information about COVID-19 and children, unemployment, school year planning and more.
Legislative Update: Reconvening the General Assembly
House Speaker David Ralston shares plans for reconvening the Georgia General Assembly, and we look at how much money some of our largest state agencies will have to cut in order to meet the current directive to slice 14% from the budget.
Legislative Update: COVID-19 Testing for All
In this week’s legislative update, get information about COVID-19 testing in Georgia as well as the latest conversations at the state capitol about the budget and Georgia’s economy.
Legislative Report for April 17: How Does Georgia Get Back to Business?
In our legislative report for the week ending April 17th, Legislative Liaison Scott Maxwell outlines some of the recent discussions happening at the state capitol about how and when to ease restrictions in Georgia.
Week 13 Legislative Update from the Georgia Capitol
Our legislative update from liaison Scott Maxwell for April 10, 2020 includes information about the state’s COVID-19 response as well as other state-level actions. Kemp published 12 Executive Orders during the week ending April 10, only five of which dealt with the coronavirus crisis.
Executive Orders, Unemployment, Hospital Expansions, and More Updates from the Atlanta Capitol
In our Legislative Update for the week ending April 3, 2020, the COVID-19 response continues to be the only story in town. Legislative Liaison Scott Maxwell provides details on actions by Governor Brian Kemp, Georgia’s unemployment rate, nursing home outbreaks, hospital expansions and more.
Public Health Advocate and Georgia Senator Jack Hill Dies at Age 75
Georgia Senator Jack Hill, a Reidsville Republican and former GPHA Legislator of the Year, has died.
Legislative Update for March 27, 2020
Last week’s political highlight was a Thursday evening town hall meeting aired statewide on TV stations and the PBS radio network. Governor Brian Kemp was joined by Public Health Commissioner Kathleen Toomey, Insurance Commissioner John King and GEMA Director Homer Bryson, each of whom held forth at a different media outlet or venue.