GPHA has a new address for all payments and correspondence.
Register for NALBOH Spring Symposium
Registration is now open for the first ever Spring Symposium of the National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH). Virtual sessions will focus on policy, advocacy, board of health resources and messaging, and lessons learned through the COVID-19 pandemic.
2021 General Assembly is in Session
The first session of the 2021-2022 term of the Georgia General Assembly was convened on January 11, 2021, amid COVID pandemic restrictions and new health requirements.
State of Emergency Extended; Nurses and Pharmacists Authorized to Administer Vaccine
Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp has extended the Public Health State of Emergency and signed a new executive order that allows nurses and pharmacists to administer COVID-19 vaccine.
September Tax Revenues Down in Georgia
he State of Georgia’s September net tax collections decreased by $81.3 million, or -3.6 percent. However, net tax revenue collections for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021 show a year-over-year increase of $365 million, or 6.3 percent.
jGPHA Call for Papers: COVID-19 and the State of Georgia
Share your unique perspective and knowledge of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Fall 2020 issue of the Journal GPHA. Editors are now accepting papers on a broad range of issues centered around the pandemic’s impact on population health in Georgia. The submission deadline is November 15, 2020.
Final Disposition of Public Health Bills
Throughout the 2020 legislative session, our liaison Scott Maxwell followed and reported on more than 35 bills related to public health. This report outlines the final disposition of bills, detailing if they passed and were signed.
Kemp Signs New Executive Order on July 31
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed a new Executive Order July 31st, extending restrictions and safety precautions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
State of Emergency, COVID-19 Restrictions Extended
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed an executive order on June 29, 2020, extending COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and restaurants for two weeks, and extending the public health state of emergency through August 11, 2020.
Unprecedented Legislative Session Adjourns Sine Die
The Georgia General Assembly was gavelled into adjournment sine die at 10:16 p.m. Friday evening, bringing to a close a 40-day legislative session spread out over nearly a six-month period.