According to the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, tax credits in HB 481 and HB 261 could increase Georgia’s budget shortfalls to over $3 billion in future years.
Georgia to Receive Millions of Federal Dollars through Recovery Act
The money will be used for Child Care and Vaccine Programs in the state.
Weems Recognized for "Excellence in Health and Wellness"
GPHA member Dr. Diane Weems received well-deserved recognition when she was presented the “Excellence in Health and Wellness” award by the 100 Black Men of Savannah.
Public Health Week
April 6-12 is National Public Health Week. We believe it’s important to remind people about the benefits of a strong public health system, and not because we want to pat our own backs. But in a time of shrinking budgets, and in a country with a healthcare system in crisis, public health needs community support.
Summary of the DHR Governance Bill – HB 228
Georgia legislation aimed at reorganizing the Department of Human Resources passed on the last day of the session. Read more for a summary of the new legislation.
2009 Sellers-McCroan Award: Nomination Deadline Extended
UPDATE: The deadline for submitting nominations has been extended until April 30th for the 2009 Sellers McCroan Award.
Legislative Update: Funds Restored for Public Health
The final version of the State of Georgia’s 2009 budget has been signed, and more than $2.44 million was restored to the budgets of Georgia’s county health departments.
Resources for "Cover the Uninsured" Week
Cover the Uninsured Week is March 22-28 in 2009. Event organizers have developed free resources to help you spread the message about the impact of uninsured Americans.
Support the SHAPE Act of 2009
UPDATE: HB 229 Passes House.
Legislation is being developed to combat childhood obesity in Georgia. Find out more about the bill and how you can offer support.
Sign a Petition to Keep Funding for School Nurses
Critical funding for School Nurse salaries may be eliminated in the next round of state budget cuts. The GASN has created an online petition, and is asking all interested parties to sign the petition to urge legislators to keep the funding intact.