GPHA members Dr. Doug Skelton, M.D. and Dr. Kathryn Martin were recently honored by being named “Public Health Legends” by the Mercer University Public Health Association (MPHA).
Editorial Response to the Breast Cancer Screening Debate
GPHA Board Member C. Wade Sellers, M.D., M.P.H. wrote the following editorial in response to the recently released update on recommendations for breast cancer screening.
GA Dept. of Community Health Adopts H1N1 Vaccine Reimbursement Plan
Notes from the November 12, 2009 Georgia Department of Community Health Meeting.
FDA Commissioner Addresses Healthcare Professionals on H1N1 Vaccine
FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg sent a letter to health care professionals thanking them for their efforts during the H1N1 flu outbreak and providing safety information about the vaccines.
Georgia Among States Hardest Hit By Recession
According to The State of Working Georgia 2009, a report by the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI), recovery from the economic recession will be especially difficult. The state lost 7.6% of jobs, the 5th highest job loss in the nation over the last 20 months.
New Series Looks at the Front Lines of Public Health
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation releases a new video, photographic and narrative series telling stories about how public health professionals make communities healthier places to live.
President Obama Declares Emergency Over H1N1 Flu
President Barack Obama declares a national emergency on H1N1 that allows healthcare systems to quickly implement disaster plans, should they become overwhelmed.
New H1N1 Communication Tools
Georgia residents have two new tools to help them access important information about 2009 H1N1 Influenza. The Georgia Department of Community Health recently launched a vaccine provider locator website and 2 toll-free telephone hotlines.
GPHA Receives $200,000 Grant
Georgia Public Health Association received $200,000 from Healthcare Georgia Foundation.
All Hail the Pink Warriors
Pink newspaper. Pink ribbons. Pink ink. Pink yogurt lids, cell phones, vacuum cleaners, even pink cat food. Everywhere you look this month, there’s a plethora of pink.