
GA Governor Appoints GPHA Member to Health Panel

Phillip Williams, a member of Georgia Public Health Association, was appointed to the Georgia Public Health Commission by Governor Sonny Perdue. The commission will determine whether Public Health should remain part of the state Department of Community Health, become a separate agency or be reorganized elsewhere.

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"Bob's Blog" Gives GPHA Members a Chance To Speak Out

Dr. Bob Stolarick, Executive Director of GPHA, is introducing “Bob’s Blog,” the first in a series of blogs intended to keep you informed about current public health topics while allowing you to weigh in, too. This month’s topic includes a legislative wrap-up, with a review of wins and losses.

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New Employment Resources for Students

A new section for students has been added to the members-only portion of the Georgia Public Health Association website. This section includes a list of links to public health employment opportunities, and was the result of feedback from the recent Future Leaders Conference in Athens.

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GPHA Membership Survey

GPHA is conducting a survey of its membership. The survey results will be used to determine the organization’s future direction, services and involvement, and help determine how our resources are used. The survey must be completed by April 4, 2010.

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