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The Capitol Corner: May 16, 2011

The May 16th Edition of the Capitol Corner provides a recap of the 2011 General Assembly, including reports on GPHA priorities such as the creation of an independent Department of Public Health, grant funding for counties and an increased tax on cigarettes.

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GPHA's 2011 Conference A Huge Success

The conference brought together a large number of professionals and state leaders to advance the cause of public health through networking, dialogue and education. Conference photos, presentations and a message from GPHA President Todd Jones are now available online.

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The Capitol Corner: February 17, 2011

The Feb. 17th edition of the Capitol Corner provides updates on the Amended FY 11 Budget Bill, an introduction of the new Division of Public Health Director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, and information on a bill designed to establish a Department of Public Health in Georgia.

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