The Georgia Department of Public Health’s Oral Health Prevention Program and Dekalb County Board of Health received a $45,000 grant from the Renaissance Family Foundation. The grant will be used for equipment and supplies to expand the school-based sealant program.
GPHA President to Speak at NALBOH Conference
GPHA President Deborah Riner has been selected to give a presentation during the National Association of Local Boards of Health conference in Louisville, Kentucky in August. Riner will discuss the importance of engaging Boards of Health in the assessment of by-laws.
2015 GPHA Conference Scholarship Application
The Georgia Public Health Association would like to offer a limited number of scholarships to students for the 2015 Georgia Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Conference. The deadline for applications is March 13, 2015
Legislative Update for Feb. 27
This legislative update includes good news about “hold harmless” funding, an update on legislation to increase to tobacco tax, and a report from the Rural Hospital Stabilization Committee.
Conference Materials Now Available
We’ve recently updated our Annual Meetings page to include a list of the workshops offered during the conference as well as the poster presentations.
Items Needed for Silent Auction
The Georgia Public Health Association invites you to donate an item(s) with a value of at least $25 to the Silent Auction that will be held during our Annual Meeting and Conference. Auction proceeds are used to fund the James W. Alley Memorial Fund.
Legislative Report for Feb. 20
This report includes an update on the tobacco tax as well as several other bills impacting public health.
NIH Seeking Input on National Library of Medicine
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is asking people to share thoughts about the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest biomedical library and a component of the NIH.
News for Nurses
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation newsletter contains information about retail-based clinics, new grants, and a medicare pilot project to increase the number of advance practice nurse graduates.
GPHA President Reviews Legislative Agenda with GA Legislators
GPHA President Deborah Riner recently visited the state capital to review the GPHA Legislative Agenda with key legislators. They discussed an increase of $1.23 in the state tobacco tax, a desire to keep “hold harmless” funding in the Governor’s budget, as well as House Bill 86 which would create a Georgia Adult and Aging Services Agency.