
Legislative Report for January 29

Scott Maxwell, legislative liaison for GPHA, provided an update about recent legislative activity. His update includes a summary of the Governor’s amended FY 2017 state budget, as well as several other issues concerning public health.

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Call for Papers on Rural Health

The Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association (jGPHA) announces a call for papers for a special theme issue on “The Two Georgias: Addressing Health Equity in Rural Georgia.” GPHA members are encouraged to submit their work. Please note the deadline for submissions is April 1, 2016.

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Legislative Report for January 15

Scott Maxwell, legislative liaison for GPHA, provided an update about recent legislative activity concerning public health. His update includes a summary of the Governor’s spending plan for the motor fuel gas tax and his recommendations for the FY 2017 state budget.

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Public Health Nurses Testify Before Senate Subcommittee Regarding Salary, Recruitment and Retention

Georgia’s public health nurses made a very impressive, effective presentation at a Georgia State Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, making a strong case for budgetary enhancements to bring PH nurse salaries up to par with those in the private sector. In addition, the presentation explained the real need to 1) increase the number of PH nurses in the field, 2) develop a progressive career track, and 3) create a service cancelable loan program for nursing degrees.

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Tech Alert: Browser Security Settings

GPHA’s membership software provider is preparing internally over the next 2 weeks for a change in security that affects all of the major browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari). If your device (computer, tablet, laptop, etc.) doesn’t load please follow the directions below to make everything work again.

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