Scott Maxwell, legislative liaison for GPHA, provides weekly reports on activity concerning public health throughout the state legislative session.
2017 Public Health Associate Program
CDC has announced the kickoff of the 2017 Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) recruitment season. PHAP is looking for qualified associate and host site applicants.
Public Health "Thank You" Day
The Monday before Thanksgiving is Public Health Thank You Day, a time to recognize public health professionals in our communities.
GPHA Receives Accreditation Support Grant
The American Public Health Association has awarded funding to six Affiliates with support from the Office of State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct activities that prepare local, tribal, state and territorial health departments for national public health accreditation. The Georgia Public Health Association was one of the affiliates to receive the grant.
Be a Presenter at our 2017 Conference: Deadline Dec. 1
Are you interested in being a presenter during our next conference, April 11-12, 2017 in Atlanta? Then we invite you to submit an abstract outlining your workshop or presentation idea. The deadline for submission of an abstract is Dec. 1, 2016.
Now Accepting Nominations for GPHA Awards
GPHA is now accepting award nominations for Legacy and Section Awards, as well as the distinguished Sellers-McCroan Award. Nomination forms are due Thursday, December 1st.
Amerigroup Georgia Launches Obstetric Incentive Program to Improve Quality Health Outcomes for Pregnant Members
More than a dozen Georgia obstetric providers are already participating in the program
Amerigroup Partners with DentaQuest to Launch Dental Home Services for Georgia Members
Dental Homes Integrate Dental, Medical and Behavioral Health Services to Facilitate More Holistic Care and Improve Health Outcomes.
You're Invited: The Two Georgias Initiative Forum
If you are interested in pursuing a public health grant, make plans to participate in the “Two Georgias Initiative” Forum sponsored by the Healthcare Georgia Foundation (HGF).
Funding Opportunity: Innovative Solutions to Build a Culture of Health
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is seeking to collaborate with and learn from pioneering thinkers to help RWJF explore unconventional approaches, emerging trends, and innovative solutions that may accelerate their progress toward building a Culture of Health.