Several healthcare bills continued to dominate legislative debate in the GA General Assembly last week. Our latest legislative report provides updates on these and many other issues.
Legislative Update for Feb. 9
Our legislative update for Feb. 9, 2018, includes an update on a trio of healthcare bills that cleared the Senate last week.
Legislative Update for February 2, 2018
Our latest legislative update discusses several health bills introduced last week, including a bill to address the state’s opioid/addiction crisis, a bill to create both the Health Coordination and Innovation Council and the Health System Innovation Center, and a bill targeting rural health issues.
Legislative Report for Jan. 26
Our legislative report for Week #3, ending January 26, includes an update on the legislative schedule for the session.
Conference Attendees: Join the APHA 1 Billion Steps Initiative
Our GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference will coincide with National Public Health Week this year! You’re encouraged to join in the American Public Health Association’s 1 Billion Steps Initiative as part of the public health week celebration.
ASPPH Annual Meeting: Registration and Even Details
Registration is underway for the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Annual Meeting. The conference will be held March 7-9 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA.
Is On-Demand Health Care the Future of Medicine?
TeleQuality Communications posted an interesting blog this month on what they’re calling the “Uberization” of the healthcare industry – essentially, old-fashioned doctor house calls where the health care comes to you.
Children’s Health Equality Newsletter
Do you work in Children’s Health? Then check out the National Institute for Children’s Health Equality newsletter.
APHA: Call for Abstracts
The American Public Health Association is now accepting abstracts for the APHA 2018 Annual Meeting and Expo in San Diego, Nov. 10-14. The submission deadline is Feb. 19-23, depending on the topic area.
Legislative Report: Week 2
Despite rough weather and icy roads, the General Assembly was able to log in the two previously scheduled legislative days last week by incorporating a late start and shifting around some planned budget hearings and committee meetings.