State Follows Alabama on Switch Plan

According to Georgia Health News, Georgia will soon join a handful of other states in a voluntary switch of thousands of children now covered by a state employee health plan into a federally funded insurance program for kids in lower-income families.

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Local Health Departments Cutting Programs

A new report from the National Association of County and City Health Officials shows that a majority of local health departments cut programs during the last fiscal year and lost thousands of employees to layoffs and attrition. The survey measures the impact of the economic recession on local health departments, and the results are being shared with government agencies, members of Congress and the press.

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Speak Up in Support of Public Health Funding

Current debates over federal funding and the debt ceiling are putting funding for health care programs at risk. The American Public Health Association PHACT Campaign is encouraging citizens to contact their congressional leaders and tell them the importance of maintaining funding for public health care.

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