According to a recent Georgia Health News article, the state is doing a better job of detecting Medicaid fraud and uncovering cases of improper billing. This, combined with settlements from pharmaceutical companies, has meant more money coming back to the state.
Changes to Grant Formula Could Mean Cuts for Some Counties
A recent Georgia Health News article outlines how possible changes to the state’s grant-in-aid formula could result in deep budget cuts for some Georgia counties.
UGA College of Public Health News
The University of Georgia’s College of Public Health’s latest newsletter is now available! This edition features stories about a Fulbright Scholar from Iraq who hopes to start a School of Public Health in his home country, a Q&A with alumni Justin Sparano and how AIDS Athens is making an impact in the local community.
Increased workload, decreasing staff could impact environmental health programs in coastal Georgia
While environmental health specialists work largely out of public view, they take on the responsibility of preventing health hazards that encompass everything from bed bugs to water quality. Environmental health is currently struggling to keep up with state and local mandated regulations because of financial and workforce problems.
Enter the "This is Public Health" Video Contest and Win!
Attention Public Health students! You have an opportunity to get creative and help promote public health in your community at the same time. Partner Up! for Public Health, the Georgia Public Health Association & HealthSTAT present the 2011 “This is Public Health” video contest!
News from the Southern Health Association
The Southern Health Association’s October newsletter is now available and includes information on the joint annual meeting with the Kentucky Health Association, SHA member recognition, 2011 Annual Meeting photos and more.
Stats Show Link Between Poor Health and Struggling Economies
According to a recent article by Georgia Health News, “Georgia counties with poor health statistics tend to lag on economic vitality as well, an analysis shows.” The analysis was done by Partner Up for Public Health, and compared data on health outcomes and economic strength for Georgia counties.
State Follows Alabama on Switch Plan
According to Georgia Health News, Georgia will soon join a handful of other states in a voluntary switch of thousands of children now covered by a state employee health plan into a federally funded insurance program for kids in lower-income families.
Dept. of Revenue Awarded $1.5 Million Contract for Underage Tobacco Enforcement
The effort is part of the federal Synar Amendment which requires that states maintain a retailer violation rate of less than 20 percent in order to avoid potential cuts in block grant funding to Georgia each year.
GPHTC Newsletter Highlights Training Opportunities
The Georgia Public Health Training Center is a workforce development initiative housed at the University of Georgia’s College of Public Health. GPHTC has issued a newsletter outlining several upcoming training opportunities.