Now Accepting Nominations for the Sellers-McCroan Award

The Georgia Public Health Association is calling for nominations for the 2012 Sellers-McCroan Award. The nomination period will last through February 28, 2013. The Award is presented annually to an individual or group whose work has had significant impact on epidemiology and/or laboratory services at the state, district or county levels; in academia; or in hospitals.

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Flu Activity Increasing in Georgia

The AJC is reporting “Georgia is one of 29 states with high levels of flu activity, according to the CDC. From the first week of October, when the flu season officially began, through the end of the year, 2,122 confirmed cases were reported to the Georgia Department of Public Health.”

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Survive and Thrive: Roadmap for New Local Health Officials

Are you a new or aspiring local health official? Then you should consider applying for Survive and Thrive, a learning opportunity designed to enhance the skills of new local health officials—the top executives at local health departments. The program is offered by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), which has previously led two Survive and Thrive cohorts and is planning to launch the third cohort in fall 2012. Application deadline is October 15!

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GPHA Hosts Board of Health Training

GPHA’s Governance Section held a Board of Health training retreat in April. Commissioner of Public Health, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, addressed the attendees, as did Dr. Gary Nelson, the Georgia State Board of Health Chair.

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Q&A with David Cook

Department of Community Health Commissioner David Cook has been in his position for more than a year now, dealing with fiscal problems, pushing to restructure Medicaid and PeachCare and more. Georgia Health News recently published a Question and Answer interview with Cook, in which he discusses these challenges.

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