If you’re attending our 2014 GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference, you can book your hotel room now and take advantage of our special conference rate! Reservations must be made no later than Friday, February 7th to receive this reduced rate.
Deadline Extended for Workshop Abstract Submission
The poster and workshop abstract submission forms are now available for those wishing to present at the 2014 GPHA Annual Meeting & Conference, March 10 & 11 in Atlanta, GA. The new deadline for submission is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 2013 at 5pm.
Networking Night at Emory University
Connect with students and fellow professionals who share your passion for public health at a “Networking Night” at Emory University on Thursday, Nov. 14th from 6-8 p.m.
Agencies Needed for "Earn and Learn" Program
The Rollins School of Public Health at Emory is looking for new agencies and organizations to participate in its “Earn and Learn” program. The program places Masters students in public health jobs, and the school pays half of that student’s wages. So for half the cost of a traditional employee, agencies can employ energetic Masters students and help them earn real world public health experience.
Call for Nominations: Community Service Award
The Healthcare Georgia Foundation is accepting nominations for the 2014 Joseph D. Greene Community Service Award. The submission deadline is December 16, 2013.
Dates Set for 2014 GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference
Mark your calendars! Join us March 10-11, 2014 at the Hilton Atlanta Downtown for the 85th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Georgia Public Health Association.
GPHA Photo Challenge: How are You Staying in SHAPE?
How are you finding ways to stay in shape this summer? We hope you’re getting outside and getting fit, and we’re hoping you’ll share your adventures with us to help inspire others to do the same. GPHA is issuing a photo challenge: send us photos of your most compelling, unusual, competitive or strenuous activity with the Shape logo in it for posting on the GPHA site.
New Health Department Building Opens in Chatham County
The Chatham County Health Department, part of the Coastal Health District, has opened a new, 37,000 square foot clinic and headquarters in the town of Savannah. The building replaces the old headquarters with a much nicer, larger and more modern facility.
American Heart Association Hiring for Several Positions
The American Heart Association has several job vacancies in the Georgia area.
Now Hiring: Director, Community Health Information and Promotions
The Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority is looking for a dynamic individual for the lead position in the Community Health Awareness office.