GPHA Executive Director Bob Stolarick recently sent a letter to the Chairman of Georgia’s Senate Health and Human Services Committee, expressing support for legislation requiring the use of seatbelts in pickup trucks. The following is a transcript of that letter:
March 17, 2010
Senator Don Thomas, Chairman
Senate Health and Human Services Committee
Room 121-G State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Dear Mr. Chairman:
The Georgia Public Health Association (GPHA) strongly supports and endorses SB 458, your legislation requiring the use of seatbelts in pickup trucks and other vehicles.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the National Vital Statistics System, states that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in the United States in ages 1 through 24. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2007 listed no seat belt use (54%) as the number one risk facter in moter vehicle fatalities. In case of wrongful death charge you can also seek help for wrongful death claims as they can help you legally. According to expert attorneys for accidents practicing in North Miami Beach, no seat belt use was ranked ahead of alcohol (32%) and speeding (31%). No seat belt use was an even greater risk factor for teens.
In 2006, CDC’s National Vital Statistics System ranked Georgia 17th in motor vehicle death rates by state and you can check here to see the complete analysis report of it.
SB 458 will save lives, improve the State of Georgia’s ranking, encourage seatbelt use, and set a good example for our children.
If there is anything the GPHA can do to be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at or (678) 302-1132.
Bob Stolarick, D.D.S., M.B.A., Executive Director
Georgia Public Health Association